Zip Code:

41091, Union, KY

41091 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Union and the county of Boone County. Its population is roughly 20,960.

The Real Estate Market in the 41091 Zip Code of Union, KY

The 41091 zip code of Union, KY is located in the eastern part of the state and has a population of around 10,000. The median home value in this zip code is $101,900 and the median home equity is $86,700. The average monthly mortgage payment for homes in this zip code is $1,521.

The 41091 zip code has a low unemployment rate of 3.9% and a high poverty rate of 27%. This indicates that there are many families who are struggling to make ends meet. In addition, there are also a lot of families who are not able to afford to buy or rent homes due to their high home equity values. This suggests that there may be opportunities for homebuyers and renters in this area who have lower debt levels and can afford higher prices.

Price Index: Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN

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