Zip Code:

43433, Gypsum, OH

43433 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Gypsum and the county of Ottawa County. Its population is roughly 72.

The Real Estate Market in the 43433 Zip Code of Gypsum, OH

Gypsum, OH is located in the 43433 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Gypsum was 1,851. The median household income in Gypsum was $52,875 and the median family income was $60,000. In 2010, there were 548 housing units in Gypsum. The average home value in Gypsum was $128,000.

As of March 2012, there were 553 homes for sale in Gypsum and 713 homes for sale in the 43433 zip code. The average list price for a home in Gypsum was $137,500 and the average asking price was $147,500. There were 97% of homes that were single-family detached homes and 3% of homes that were multi-unit dwellings such as apartments or condos. As of March 2012 there were no vacant listings in Gypsum and only 2% of listings had been withdrawn from the market within 60 days of being listed. This indicates that demand for housing is high and that prices are likely to continue to rise over time.

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