Zip Code:
44705 is a Ohio Zip code within the city of Canton and the county of Stark County. Its population is roughly 19,797.
Canton, OH is located in Stark County and has a population of approximately 97,000. The median household income in Canton is $101,000 and the median home value is $163,500. Canton has a relatively low unemployment rate of 3.7% and a high percentage of homeowners (81%).
The 44705 zip code has seen an increase in home equity over the past five years. In 2012, the home equity in this zip code was $128,200. This increased to $157,600 by 2016 and then to $183,100 by 2018. This indicates that there has been an increase in home values over this time period. Additionally, the percentage of homeowners in this zip code has also increased from 66% to 81%. This indicates that more people are able to afford homes in this area and are not having to rent or borrow money to purchase a home.
There are several reasons why the home values have increased in this zip code over the past few years. First, there is an influx of new residents who are able to afford homes here due to the low unemployment rate and high percentage of homeownership. Second, there have been no major changes or events that have impacted housing prices here recently which helps keep them stable over time. Finally, Canton is a growing city which means that there are more jobs available and people can earn more money which allows them to buy homes larger than they would otherwise be able to afford.
Price Index: Canton-Massillon, OH
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
44714 | 8,495 | 1,248.5 | America/New_York | 40.83611 | -81.35907 | Canton | Stark County | Ohio |