Zip Code:

48659, Sterling, MI

48659 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Sterling and the county of Arenac. Its population is roughly 2,758.

The Real Estate Market in the 48659 Zip Code of Sterling, Michigan

The 48659 zip code of Sterling, Michigan has a median home value of $128,000 and a median home equity of $101,000. This is higher than the state median home value of $119,500 and the national median home equity of $106,200. The zip code also has a lower than average rate of homeownership at just 58%. This may be due to the high cost of living in Sterling or because there are not many homes for sale in this zip code.

Despite the high home values and low homeownership rate, there is evidence that the market is starting to recover in Sterling. The number of homes sold in 2016 was up from 2015 by 5%, and the number of homes sold over the past three years is up by 28%. These indicators suggest that there is potential for more growth in this area over time.

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