Zip Code:

49015, Battle Creek, MI

49015 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Battle Creek and the county of Calhoun County. Its population is roughly 27,465.

The Real Estate Market in the 49015 Zip Code of Battle Creek, Michigan

Battle Creek, MI is a city located in the southwestern region of the United States. The city has a population of around 100,000 and is situated on the banks of the Kalamazoo River. Battle Creek was first settled in 1836 and became a center for trade and industry due to its location on the river. The city's economy has been based largely on agriculture, manufacturing, and service industries. However, since the early 2000s, Battle Creek has seen an increase in residential and commercial development as well as an increase in home prices.

According to Zillow's analysis of home equity data from 2016, home values in Battle Creek increased by 5% over the past year. This compares favorably to the national average of 2% growth over this period. In addition, Zillow's analysis shows that home values are significantly higher than they were five years ago - they have increased by 47%. This indicates that there is strong demand for housing in Battle Creek - both from current residents and potential new residents - which is likely contributing to this trend.

It should be noted that while home prices are increasing rapidly in Battle Creek, this does not mean that all homes are worth more now than they were five years ago. In fact, according to Zillow's analysis of median home values (which takes into account both high and low values), only about one-third of homes in Battle Creek are worth more now than they were five years ago. This indicates that while there is strong demand for housing in Battle Creek right now, there may be some areas where prices are not yet justified by market conditions (i.e., homes that are older or located in less desirable neighborhoods).

Price Index: Battle Creek, MI

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