Zip Code:

49130, Union, MI

49130 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Union and the county of Cass County. Its population is roughly 1,474.

The Real Estate Market in the 49130 Zip Code of Union, Michigan

Union, MI is located in the 49130 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Union has a population of 10,868. The median household income in Union is $50,972. The median home value in Union is $137,000.

Union's home equity and home prices are high compared to other zip codes in Michigan. In 2010, the average home value in Michigan was $154,200. Union's average home value was more than twice as high as Michigan's average home value. Union's high home values are likely due to its close proximity to Detroit and its large population of middle-class families.

Despite Union's high home values, there has been some speculation that the market may be cooling off for homeowners in the 49130 zip code. In January of 2016, Zillow released data indicating that the rate of homeownership decline nationally had slowed down from 2015 to 2016. This slowdown may be due to a number of factors including low interest rates and increased demand for rental properties nationwide. If this trend continues it could lead to a decrease in Union's home values over time as homeowners sell their homes and move out of the area or take on mortgages that are less expensive than before due to decreased demand for housing stock within Union County

Price Index: South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI

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