Zip Code:

49202, Jackson, MI

49202 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Jackson and the county of Jackson County. Its population is roughly 19,289.

The Real Estate Market in the 49202 Zip Code of Jackson, Michigan

The zip code 49202 in Jackson, Michigan has a median home value of $128,000. This is a decrease from the previous year when the median home value was $135,000. The reason for this decrease could be due to the market conditions or it could be that there are more homes for sale in this zip code than last year.

In terms of home equity, 49202 residents have an average of $101,000 in equity. This is an increase from the previous year when residents had an average of $86,000 in equity. It is possible that some homeowners have taken advantage of low interest rates and refinanced their homes multiple times which has increased their equity levels.

Overall, it seems that homeowners in 49202 are doing well financially despite the current market conditions. They have enough equity to cover any potential losses and they are not underwater on their mortgages like many other homeowners across the country are.

Price Index: Jackson, MI

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