Zip Code:

49626, Eastlake, MI

49626 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Eastlake and the county of Manistee. Its population is roughly 364.

The Real Estate Market in Eastlake, Michigan

Eastlake, MI is located in Wayne County and has a population of around 10,000. The median household income in the 49626 zip code is around $60,000. Home prices in Eastlake have been on the rise for the past few years, reaching an all-time high of $269,900 in May of 2018. The average home value in Eastlake has increased by over 60% since 2013.

There are a number of reasons why home prices have been increasing so rapidly in Eastlake. First and foremost, Eastlake is located within close proximity to both Detroit and Lansing, two major metropolitan areas with a large population of working professionals. Additionally, Eastlake is situated within a desirable area that features plenty of amenities such as golf courses and lakes. Finally, there has been an influx of new residents into the area who are looking for affordable housing options.

While there are many benefits to living in Eastlake, there are also some risks associated with buying or owning a home here. For example, although Eastlake is relatively safe compared to other parts of Michigan, it does have a higher crime rate than average. Additionally, although the cost of living is lower than most other areas in Michigan, it may not be affordable for everyone who wants to live here. Lastly, although the market conditions appear to be favorable right now for buyers and sellers alike, it's important to keep in mind that home prices can always change quickly and unexpectedly – so do your research before making any decisions!

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