Zip Code:

49728, Eckerman, MI

49728 is a Michigan Zip code within the city of Eckerman and the county of Chippewa County. Its population is roughly 274.

The Real Estate Market in the Eckerman ZIP Code 49728

The Eckerman zip code is located in the southwestern corner of Michigan, just north of the Ohio border. As of the 2010 census, the population was 2,811. The median household income was $60,000, and the median family income was $72,500. The unemployment rate in Eckerman was 5.5% as of December 2011.

The average home price in Eckerman as of March 2012 was $137,000. This is significantly higher than the statewide average home price of $128,500 and even higher than the national average home price of $130,000. In addition to being much more expensive than other areas in Michigan or nationwide, Eckerman homes are also considerably more expensive than homes in neighboring communities. For example, the average home price in neighboring Clinton Township is only $120,000 while the average home price in Dearborn Heights is only $92,500.

One reason for this high level of home prices in Eckerman may be its close proximity to major metropolitan areas such as Detroit and Cleveland. Additionally, Eckerman has a relatively low population density which may contribute to its high levels of property values. Finally, Eckerman is a desirable community with a strong economy and many well-educated residents who are able to afford top-notch homes

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