Zip Code:

50701, Waterloo, IA

50701 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Waterloo and the county of Black Hawk County. Its population is roughly 30,817.

The Real Estate Market in the 50701 Zip Code of Waterloo, IA

The 50701 zip code of Waterloo, IA has a population of about 25,000 people. The median household income in the 50701 zip code is $72,500 and the median home value is $183,500. The average home equity in the 50701 zip code is $137,000.

Waterloo has a population density of about 1,600 people per square mile which means that the housing market in Waterloo is relatively tight. There are only about 2,500 homes for sale in the 50701 zip code and only 1% of those homes are listed at over $200,000. In addition, there are only about 900 homes for sale that are under $100,000 and just 2% of those homes are listed at under $50,000. This indicates that most buyers in Waterloo are looking for homes that cost between $100K and $200K.

The average home price in Waterloo increased by 7% from 2016 to 2017 and by 9% from 2015 to 2016 according to Zillow data. This indicates that there is strong demand for housing in Waterloo and that prices will continue to increase over time.

Price Index: Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA

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