Zip Code:

50702, Waterloo, IA

50702 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Waterloo and the county of Black Hawk County. Its population is roughly 19,446.

The Real Estate Market in the 50702 Zip Code of Waterloo, IA

Waterloo, IA is located in the 50702 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Waterloo was 25,821. The median household income in Waterloo was $60,912. Home equity and home prices in the 50702 zip code are important factors to consider when evaluating a potential home purchase or sale.

According to Zillow’s Home Value Index for all of Iowa (ZHVI), the median home value in Waterloo was $151,200 as of September 30th, 2016. This is up from $148,600 as of September 30th, 2015 and up from $135,700 as of September 30th, 2014. The average home value growth rate for the 50702 zip code between 2015 and 2016 was 2%. This indicates that there has been an increase in demand for homes in this area over that period of time.

The ZHVI measures home values based on data collected from more than 2 million active listings across approximately 875 counties nationwide. The index provides a comprehensive snapshot of trends across all housing types and sizes throughout each county – including both urban and rural areas – at any given time. While not necessarily indicative of market conditions within any specific zip code or neighborhood within a county at any given point in time, trends observed over time can provide valuable information about market conditions overall.

Based on data from Zillow’s MLS® System (the most comprehensive source of real estate information available), there were 1,527 properties listed for sale in the 50702 zip code as of September 30th 2016 – an increase from 1,471 properties listed for sale as of September 30th 2015 and an increase from 1,362 properties listed for sale as of September 30th 2014. These figures indicate that there is currently strong demand for homes in this area – which could be indicative of future price increases or decreases depending on market conditions at any given point in time.

Price Index: Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA

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