Zip Code:

50835, Benton, IA

50835 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Benton and the county of Ringgold. Its population is roughly 65.

The Real Estate Market in the 50835 Zip Code of Benton, IA

Benton, Iowa is located in Polk County and has a population of just over 10,000 people. The median household income in Benton is $60,000, which is lower than the statewide median of $61,500. Home prices in Benton have been on the decline for the past few years and are now below the statewide average. In 2016, home prices were $142,000 while they were only $128,000 in 2017. This year so far home prices have only increased by 1% to reach $131,000 as of September 2018.

There are several factors that could be contributing to this downward trend in home values in Benton. One reason may be that there are not enough homes being built within the city limits which could lead to a shortage of available homes for sale. Another reason may be that many people who live in Benton are looking to downsize or move out of their homes altogether due to high costs of living and low wages. Despite these challenges, there is still potential for home values to increase again if more people decide to purchase or invest property within the city limits.

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