Zip Code:

60048, Libertyville, IL

60048 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Libertyville and the county of Lake County. Its population is roughly 29,033.

The Real Estate Market in the 60048 Zip Code of Libertyville, IL

The 60048 zip code of Libertyville, IL has a population of approximately 34,000 and a median home value of $269,500. The average home price in the 60048 zip code has increased by 5.5% over the past year and is currently at its highest point since 2007. This increase can be partially attributed to an influx of new residents into the area who are seeking homes that are in close proximity to major metropolitan areas such as Chicago and Milwaukee. Additionally, Libertyville is located within the Chicago metropolitan area which has seen strong job growth over the past several years.

Despite these positive trends, there are still some potential risks associated with investing in homes in the 60048 zip code. For example, there is a high rate of foreclosure activity within this area which could lead to decreased home values if more homeowners default on their mortgages. Additionally, while Libertyville is located within one of the most prosperous regions in America, it can also be susceptible to economic downturns which could have a negative impact on home prices. Overall though, it appears that home prices in the 60048 zip code are continuing to rise which makes it an attractive investment for those looking for stability and growth potential over long term periods.

Price Index: Lake County-Kenosha County, IL-WI (MSAD)

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