Zip Code:
60089 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Buffalo Grove and the county of Lake County. Its population is roughly 41,014.
The 60089 zip code of Buffalo Grove, Illinois has a median home value of $269,500 and a median home equity value of $146,500. The 60089 zip code is located in Cook County and has a population of approximately 36,000.
There are a number of factors that affect the home equity and home prices in the 60089 zip code. These include the local economy, interest rates, housing inventory, and demographic data.
The local economy is important because it affects both the demand for and supply of homes in the area. When there is an increase in economic activity, there is usually an increase in demand for homes as well as the prices that people are willing to pay for them. Conversely, when there is a decrease in economic activity, there is usually a decrease in demand for homes as well as the prices that people are willing to pay for them. The 60089 zip code has seen an increase in economic activity over the past few years due to growth within its industries (such as healthcare). As a result, the demand for homes has increased while the prices that people are willing to pay for them have remained relatively stable.
Another factor that affects home equity and home prices is interest rates. Interest rates determine how much money homeowners can borrow against their homes to finance purchases or repairs. When interest rates are high (i.e., when they are above average), it becomes more expensive for homeowners to borrow money against their homes and this can lead to lower home equity values. Conversely, when interest rates are low (i.e., when they are below average), it becomes more affordable for homeowners to borrow money against their homes and this can lead to higher home equity values. The 60089 zip code has seen relatively low interest rates over recent years which has helped keep downhome equity values relatively stable relative to other areas within Cook County..
Housing inventory also plays an important role in determining both home equity values and home prices. When there is less available housing stock than what people want/need, this can lead to higher home Equity values because buyers will be forced into more expensive options (such as buying a house outright) or they will have to wait longer periods of time before they can purchase a house (which could lead to higher Home Prices). Conversely, when there is more available housing stock than what people want/need, this can lead to lower Home Equity values because buyers will be ableto purchasea house soonerthan they would otherwise be ableto do soandthis couldlead tomidestepupulationinareaswherehousesareavailableforsale.(Formoreinformationonthistopicpleasesee: "What Causes Housing Price Increases?") The 60089 zip code currently suffers from some shortagesofhousingstock(particularlywithinthepricepointsof$200kandunder),whichhas ledtothehomesinthatareabecomemoreaffordablerelativetootherpartsofthecountry.(Formoreinformationonthistopicpleasesee: "What Causes Housing Price Declines?) . In additiontotheseexternalfactorsthereisadynamicinternalprocessthatoccursinthedistrictwheneveranindividualorfamilydecidestopurchaseahome.(Foramoredetaileddescriptionoftheprocesspleasesee: "How Does Home Buying Work?") Takentogetherthesefactorsresultinafixedhomeequityvalueforthelocationwhichexistsinthroughoutthedistrictregardlessofthestateoftheeconomyorinterestrates.(SeeFigure1below.)
Price Index: Lake County-Kenosha County, IL-WI (MSAD)
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
60004 | 50,639 | 1,764.1 | America/Chicago | 42.11196 | -87.97909 | Arlington Heights | Cook County | Illinois |
60074 | 39,217 | 2,123.5 | America/Chicago | 42.13149 | -88.02657 | Palatine | Cook County | Illinois |
60090 | 38,553 | 1,586.4 | America/Chicago | 42.12952 | -87.92194 | Wheeling | Cook County | Illinois |
60069 | 8,225 | 470.1 | America/Chicago | 42.19762 | -87.92607 | Lincolnshire | Lake County | Illinois |