Zip Code:

60501, Summit Argo, IL

60501 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Summit Argo and the county of Cook County. Its population is roughly 11,874.

The Real Estate Market in the 60501 Zip Code of Summit Argo, IL

Summit Argo, IL is located in the 60501 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Summit Argo was 1,912. The median household income in the 60501 zip code was $59,854. Home equity and home prices in Summit Argo are important factors to consider when evaluating a potential home purchase or sale.

According to Zillow’s Home Value Index for Summit Argo, the median home value in the 60501 zip code was $133,200 as of February 2017. This represents a decrease of 3% from December 2016 and an increase of 2% from February 2016. The average list price per square foot for homes in the 60501 zip code was $135 as of February 2017. This represents an increase of 1% from December 2016 and a decrease of 5% from February 2016.

The percentage of homes sold in the 60501 zip code that were purchased with cash is lower than the national average (5%). The percentage of homes sold in the 60501 zip code that were purchased with cash is lower than both Summit County (6%) and Illinois (7%). The percentage of homes sold in the 60501 zip code that were purchased with cash is higher than both Summit County (3%) and Illinois (2%).

Price Index: Albany-Lebanon, OR

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