Zip Code:

61455, Macomb, IL

61455 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Macomb and the county of McDonough County. Its population is roughly 20,294.

The Real Estate Market in Macomb, IL

Macomb, Illinois is located in the 61455 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Macomb has a population of 10,821. The median household income in Macomb is $60,971 and the median family income is $68,527. The average home value in Macomb is $158,000.

The average home equity in Macomb is $92,000. Home values have increased by an average of 9% over the past five years. In 2009, the average home equity was $87,500 and it has increased by an additional $10,000 since then. Home prices are expected to continue to increase as more homes are built in Macomb and as demand increases for housing within this zip code.

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