Zip Code:

61883, Westville, IL

61883 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Westville and the county of Vermilion County. Its population is roughly 4,289.

The Real Estate Market in the 61883 Zip Code of Westville, IL

Westville, Illinois is located in Cook County and has a population of approximately 10,000. The median household income in the 61883 zip code is $75,000. Home prices in Westville have increased significantly over the past few years and are now among the highest in the Chicago area.

The average home price in Westville was $269,500 as of September 2017. This represents an increase of 116% from the average home price of $129,500 recorded in March 2013. The median home value in Westville is now $227,500 which is also significantly higher than the median home value of $146,300 recorded just five years ago.

One reason for this dramatic increase in home prices is that there are very few homes available for sale in Westville. As of September 2017 there were only 191 active listings compared to 1,827 active listings as of March 2013. This limited supply has driven up prices considerably.

Another factor contributing to the high cost of homes in Westville is the low rate of unemployment here. The unemployment rate as of September 2017 was 2%. This compares favorably to the Illinois statewide unemployment rate which was 4%.

Price Index: Danville, IL

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