Zip Code:

62341, Hamilton, IL

62341 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Hamilton and the county of Hancock County. Its population is roughly 3,425.

The Real Estate Market in the 62341 Zip Code of Hamilton, IL

Hamilton, Illinois is located in the 62341 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Hamilton was 9,811. The median household income in Hamilton was $60,827. In 2012, the home equity and home prices in Hamilton were as follows:

The average home value in Hamilton was $163,000. The average home equity value in Hamilton was $101,000. The median household income in Hamilton was $60,827. Therefore, according to data from 2012, the homeownership rate (the percentage of households that own their homes) in Hamilton was 66%.

The following table provides additional information on homeownership rates and home equity values for zip codes within Illinois:

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