Zip Code:

62449, Oblong, IL

62449 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Oblong and the county of Crawford. Its population is roughly 2,963.

Real Estate in the 62449 Zip Code of Oblong, IL

The 62449 zip code of Oblong, Illinois is located in the southwestern portion of the state. The area has a population of about 2,000 people and an average household income of around $50,000. Home prices in this area have been increasing at a rate of about 10% annually for the past few years.

The main reason for this increase is that Oblong is located in a desirable location. It is close to major cities such as St. Louis and Springfield, but it also has plenty of rural areas that are still relatively undeveloped. This combination makes it an attractive place to live and invest in property.

Another factor that has contributed to the home prices in this area is the low interest rates currently being offered by banks. This makes it possible for people to borrow money against their home equity without having to pay very high interest rates.

Overall, the 62449 zip code of Oblong appears to be a good investment opportunity right now because there are many people who are looking for places to buy homes and invest their money.

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