
Oblong, IL

Oblong is a city in the state of illinois with a population of roughly 2,963. It is in Crawford, Illinois Its Zip codes include 62449 .

Price Trends in Oblong, IL

Oblong is a small town located in the southern part of Illinois. The population of Oblong was just over 2,000 people as of the 2010 census. Oblong is located in Livingston County and is bordered by the towns of Pana and Plainfield.

The history of real estate in Oblong can be traced back to 1837 when land was first surveyed in the area. The first settlers arrived in 1839 and began to build homes and businesses. In 1870, a post office was established in Oblong and it has since remained an important part of the community.

Today, real estate remains an important part of the economy in Oblong. The town has a number of commercial properties including a grocery store, gas station, bank, and several restaurants. There are also a number of residential properties available for purchase including single-family homes, duplexes, apartments, and condos.

The real estate market in Oblong is generally stable with prices typically increasing or decreasing at a rate similar to that of the overall statewide market trends. However, there have been occasions where prices have increased more rapidly than average due to specific factors such as low interest rates or limited supply on certain types of properties.

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