Zip Code:

64068, Liberty, MO

64068 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Liberty and the county of Clay County. Its population is roughly 38,777.

The Real Estate Market in the 64068 Zip Code of Liberty, MO

The 64068 zip code of Liberty, MO is located in the southeast corner of the state and has a population of just over 21,000. The median household income in this zip code is just over $60,000 and the median home value is just over $200,000. Over 60% of homes in this zip code are owner-occupied and there are a total of 1,827 homes currently for sale. The average list price for homes in this zip code is $214,500 which indicates that home values are quite high here.

Home equity plays an important role in many people's lives and it can be especially important for those who are looking to buy a home or refinance their current mortgage. Home equity can be used to pay down debt or to invest in other assets such as stocks or bonds. In general, the higher the home value relative to your outstanding mortgage balance, the more equity you have available to use as financial leverage.

There are a number of factors that can affect home values including interest rates, inflation rates, market trends and local economic conditions. While there is no guarantee that any one factor will always lead to increased prices (or decreased prices), it's worth keeping these factors in mind when trying to assess whether or not buying a home is right for you.

Price Index: Kansas City, MO-KS

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