Zip Code:

64078, Peculiar, MO

64078 is a Missouri Zip code within the city of Peculiar and the county of Cass County. Its population is roughly 9,873.

The Real Estate Market in the 64078 Zip Code of Peculiar, MO

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 64078 Zip Code of Peculiar, MO

The 64078 zip code of Peculiar, MO has a median home value of $122,000. This is higher than the Missouri median home value of $106,500. The 64078 zip code also has a higher than average home equity value of $146,000. This means that homeowners in this zip code have more equity in their homes than most other Missourians.

There are several factors that may contribute to the high home values in the 64078 zip code of Peculiar. First, this area is located near several major metropolitan areas (St Louis and Kansas City) which may lead to increased demand for housing. Second, Peculiar is a relatively new community which may have led to increased prices due to limited supply and strong demand from buyers. Finally, Peculiar is located in an affluent region of Missouri which may also contribute to high home values.

Price Index: Kansas City, MO-KS

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