Zip Code:

66043, Lansing, KS

66043 is a Kansas Zip code within the city of Lansing and the county of Leavenworth County. Its population is roughly 10,941.

Real Estate in the 66043 Zip Code of Lansing, KS

The 66043 zip code of Lansing, KS has a median home value of $128,000 and a median home equity value of $101,000. These values are relatively high when compared to the rest of the United States. In fact, the 66043 zip code has a higher median home value than 98% of all zip codes in the country. Additionally, the 66043 zip code has a higher median home equity value than 97% of all zip codes in the country. This indicates that there is a high demand for homes in this area and that homeowners are able to leverage their home equity to purchase other assets or pay off debt.

One reason why homeowners in the 66043 zip code are able to achieve such high levels of home equity is because there is a low rate of foreclosure activity in this area. In fact, only 2 out of every 1000 homes in this zip code are currently foreclosed on. This low foreclosure rate indicates that homeowners here have been able to maintain their homes for an extended period of time and are not at risk of losing them anytime soon. Additionally, many people who live in the 66043 zip code own their homes outright rather than using mortgages or other forms of financing. This means that they have more control over their financial situation and can make more informed decisions about how to use their home equity resources.

Price Index: Kansas City, MO-KS

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