Zip Code:

66202, Mission, KS

66202 is a Kansas Zip code within the city of Mission and the county of Johnson County. Its population is roughly 16,689.

The Real Estate Market in the 66202 Zip Code of Mission, KS

Mission, KS is located in the 66202 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $128,000. The home equity in this zip code is $44,000. This means that the homeownership rate for residents of this zip code is 68%. The percentage of homeownership for Mission, KS residents is above the national average of 63%.

The average monthly mortgage payment for Mission, KS residents with a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is $1,187. This means that the average homeowner in this zip code can afford to pay off their mortgage within 25 years.

Home values have increased significantly over the past few years in Mission, KS. In 2013, the median home value was $116,000 and by 2016 it had increased to $128,000. Although there may be some fluctuations due to market conditions and other factors outside of our control (e.g., interest rates), it appears that home values will continue to increase in Mission over time as long as there are no major changes made to local laws or regulations affecting housing prices or mortgages.

Price Index: Kansas City, MO-KS

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