Zip Code:

66549, Westmoreland, KS

66549 is a Kansas Zip code within the city of Westmoreland and the county of Pottawatomie County. Its population is roughly 1,664.

The Real Estate Market in the 66549 Zip Code of Westmoreland, KS

Westmoreland, KS is located in Johnson County and has a population of just over 10,000. The median household income in the zip code is just under $50,000 and the median home value is just over $130,000. Over 60% of homes in Westmoreland are owner-occupied and just over 30% are occupied by renters.

Home equity is an important part of many people's lives and it can be a key factor in determining how comfortable they are financially. Home equity can be used to pay off debt, invest in assets such as stocks or real estate, or use it to cover short-term expenses like unexpected bills.

According to Zillow®, the average home value growth rate for ZIP codes within Johnson County was 3.5% from 2016 to 2017. This means that the average home value in Westmoreland increased by $7,500 during that time period. While this rate of growth may not seem very high compared to some other areas of the country, it is still faster than the national average growth rate of 2%. In addition, Westmoreland has seen much faster growth than other parts of Johnson County – ZIP code 66549 had a growth rate of 5.8% from 2015 to 2016 which was significantly higher than any other ZIP code within Johnson County. This suggests that there may be some factors driving this high level of home value growth in Westmoreland – such as strong demand from buyers or low interest rates – but it is still unclear what those factors are exactly.

While there are many reasons why someone might want to buy a home in Westmoreland, one reason why people might choose to buy a home here instead of another area could be because the prices are relatively affordable compared to other areas around the country. For example, according to Zillow®, the median price for homes within 25 miles of Westmoreland is $160,000 while the median price for homes within 50 miles of Westmoreland is $230,000 – both values which are much higher than the national median price ($181,500) but still much lower than prices found elsewhere in Kansas (such as Topeka which has a median price of $269,900). In addition, while prices have been growing rapidly recently in some parts of America (such as Silicon Valley), they have not been growing as quickly here in Kansas which could make Westmoreland an attractive option for buyers looking for more affordable housing options.

Price Index: Manhattan, KS

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