Zip Code:

68826, Central City, NE

68826 is a Nebraska Zip code within the city of Central City and the county of Merrick County. Its population is roughly 4,046.

The Real Estate Market in Central City, NE

Central City, NE is located in the 68826 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Central City has a population of 1,811 people. The median household income in Central City is $36,000 and the median family income is $41,500. The average home value in Central City is $130,000.

The average home equity in Central City is $86,000. The percentage of homes with a mortgage in Central City is 58%. The percentage of homes with a HELOC in Central City is 10%. The percentage of homes with a second mortgage in Central City is 2%.

The average home price per square foot in Central City is $104.

Price Index: Grand Island, NE

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