Zip Code:

70448, Mandeville, LA

70448 is a Louisiana Zip code within the city of Mandeville and the county of St. Tammany Parish. Its population is roughly 25,661.

The Real Estate Market in Mandeville, LA

The Mandeville, LA 70448 zip code has a population of around 21,000 people. The median home value in the area is $157,000 and the median home equity is $101,000. This means that the majority of homeowners in this zip code have a significant amount of equity in their homes.

Home equity is important because it allows homeowners to use their homes as collateral for loans or to access cash when they need it. Homeowners who have a lot of equity in their homes are also more likely to be able to sell them if they want to move or if the market values them higher than what they owe on them.

There are several reasons why home values have increased in Mandeville over the past few years. First, there has been an increase in demand for housing due to rising incomes and population growth. Second, there has been an increase in prices for single-family homes and condos due to low interest rates and limited supply. Finally, there has been an increase in the amount of money that people are able to borrow against their homes thanks to low interest rates and strong economic conditions overall.

Price Index: New Orleans-Metairie, LA

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