Zip Code:

74450, Oktaha, OK

74450 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Oktaha and the county of Muskogee County. Its population is roughly 1,750.

The Real Estate Market in the 74450 Zip Code of Oktaha, OK.

The home equity and home prices in the 74450 zip code of Oktaha, OK are very high. The median home value in this zip code is $236,000, which is more than double the national median home value of $123,600. In addition, the home equity in this zip code is also very high at $137,000. This means that most homeowners in this zip code have a significant amount of equity in their homes.

One reason why the home values and equity in homes are so high in the 74450 zip code of Oktaha, OK is because there are a lot of affluent residents here. The percentage of households earning over $100,000 annually is above average for all ZIP codes in Oklahoma County. Additionally, the percentage of households earning over $200,000 annually is also above average for all ZIP codes in Oklahoma County. These affluent residents are likely to have a lot of money saved up so they can buy a house or invest in their home equity.

Another reason why the home values and equity in homes are so high in the 74450 zip code of Oktaha, OK is because there are a lot of new homes being built here. The number of new homes being built each year has been increasing for several years now and it seems likely that this trend will continue for some time to come. This means that there will be plenty of new homeowners who will want to buy or invest their money into homes here soon.

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