Zip Code:

75089, Rowlett, TX

75089 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Rowlett and the county of Dallas County. Its population is roughly 36,324.

The Real Estate Market in the 75089 Zip Code of Rowlett, TX

The 75089 zip code of Rowlett, TX is located in Dallas County and has a population of over 101,000. The median household income in the zip code is $73,500 and the median home value is $187,500. The average credit score for residents in the 75089 zip code is 714 which indicates that most residents are able to borrow money easily.

The average price of a home in the 75089 zip code has increased by 9% over the past year and has increased by an average of 10% over the past five years. This indicates that there is strong demand for homes in this area and that buyers are able to afford to purchase homes at a reasonable price. In addition, there have been very few sales in the past year which suggests that there may be some inventory available soon.

Price Index: Dallas-Plano-Irving, TX (MSAD)

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