Zip Code:

75652, Henderson, TX

75652 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Henderson and the county of Rusk County. Its population is roughly 16,223.

The Real Estate Market in the 75652 Zip Code of Henderson, TX

The Henderson, TX zip code 75652 has a population of about 107,000 people. The median household income in the zip code is $71,500 and the median home value is $227,000. Home equity in this zip code is quite high compared to other areas of the country. In fact, according to Zillow’s Home Value Index, the home equity in this zip code is 18% higher than the national average.

One reason for this high level of home equity may be that Henderson has a relatively low rate of unemployment compared to other areas of the country. The unemployment rate in Henderson was 4.4% as of September 2017, which is lower than both the Texas statewide unemployment rate (5%) and the national unemployment rate (4.9%). Additionally, Henderson has a low poverty rate (10%) compared to other areas of Texas and the nation as a whole. This may be due in part to its strong economy; according to Forbes magazine, Henderson had one of the fastest-growing economies in America from 2012-2016.

Another factor that may contribute to high levels of home equity in Henderson are its relatively low rates of foreclosure and eviction activity relative to other areas of Texas and nationwide. For example, as of September 2017 there were only 2 foreclosure filings per 100 households in Henderson – well below both Texas’ statewide foreclosure filing rate (5 per 100 households) and national foreclosure filing rate (3 per 100 households). Additionally, there were only 3 evictions per 100 households – well below both Texas’ statewide eviction filing rate (8 per 100 households) and national eviction filing rate (6 per 100 households). These low levels of foreclosure and eviction activity may help keep homeownership rates high in Henderson – even during times when housing prices are falling nationally or locally.

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