
Henderson, TX

Henderson is a city in the state of texas with a population of roughly 28,887. It is in Rusk County, Texas the Longview, TX core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Longview-Marshall, TX combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 75652 ,75654 .

The Price of Home in Henderson, TX

Henderson, TX is a city located in Henderson County, Texas. The population was estimated to be over 100,000 in 2016. Henderson is known for its large and diverse real estate market.

The median home price in Henderson was $269,900 in May of 2018. This is higher than the national median home price of $224,800. The city has a population density of 1,829 people per square mile which is above the national average of 1,191 people per square mile. There are a total of 9,521 housing units in the city which is below the national average of 19,616 housing units per capita. The racial makeup of the city is 71% White, 23% African American, 2% Native American and 3% Asian/Pacific Islander.

Henderson has a strong economy with many businesses located within its boundaries including ExxonMobil Corporation and Dell Incorporated. The city also has a large military presence with Fort Hood being located just outside its limits. This military presence has led to an increase in housing prices as well as rental prices within the city limits due to high demand for housing by servicemen and their families.

The City Council adopted an ordinance that requires all new residential construction to include at least 20 percent affordable units beginning January 1st 2020

Price Index: Longview, TX

Zip codes in Henderson


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