Zip Code:

76063, Mansfield, TX

76063 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Mansfield and the county of Tarrant County. Its population is roughly 73,216.

The Real Estate Market in Mansfield, TX

The 76063 zip code of Mansfield, TX has a median home value of $119,000 and a median home equity value of $101,000. The zip code has a population of around 24,000 people and is located in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area.

There are several factors that affect home prices in the 76063 zip code. These include local market conditions, interest rates, and access to credit.

Local market conditions play an important role in determining home prices in the 76063 zip code. If there are strong demand for homes and there is limited supply, then prices will increase. Conversely, if there is weak demand for homes or too much supply available, then prices will decrease.

Interest rates also play an important role in determining home prices in the 76063 zip code. If interest rates are high (meaning it is expensive to borrow money), then buyers may be less likely to purchase a home because they would have to pay higher interest rates on their mortgage than if interest rates were lower (meaning it would be cheaper to borrow money). As a result, house prices may decrease due to increased competition from other buyers who can afford to pay higher interest rates. Conversely, if interest rates are low (meaning it is cheap to borrow money), then more people may be willing to purchase homes because they do not have to pay as much attention to their monthly budget when purchasing a house. As a result, house prices may increase due to increased demand from buyers who can afford higher mortgage payments.

Price Index: Fort Worth-Arlington-Grapevine, TX (MSAD)

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