Zip Code:

76234, Decatur, TX

76234 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Decatur and the county of Wise County. Its population is roughly 16,630.

The Real Estate Market in the 76234 Zip Code of Decatur, TX

The Decatur, TX 76234 zip code has a population of around 36,000 people. The median household income in the zip code is $75,000. The home equity and home prices in the Decatur, TX 76234 zip code are both high. The average home value in the zip code is $225,000. Home equity loans are available in the Decatur, TX 76234 zip code at a low interest rate of 4%. Home prices have increased rapidly in the Decatur, TX 76234 zip code over the past few years. In March of 2016, the average home price was $219,500. In March of 2017, the average home price was $235,000. There has been an increase of about 20% in home prices since March of 2016.

There are many reasons why home prices have increased so rapidly in the Decatur, TX 76234 zip code. One reason is that there is a low supply of homes available for sale in this area. Another reason is that there has been an increase in demand for homes due to an influx of new residents into the area and an increase in job opportunities. Finally, there has been an increase in interest rates over time which has made it more expensive to borrow money to purchase a home outright or to take out a mortgage on a house).

Despite these reasons for why home prices have increased so rapidly in the Decatur, TX 76234 zip code over recent years, there are still some areas where housing is affordable relative to other areas within Texas or nationwide. For example, according to Zillow’s 2018 National Housing Survey report (released on April 26th), homeownership rates (the percentage of households who own their homes) were highest (68%)in Dallas County and lowest (48%)in Harris County within Texas – both counties located within the Decatur metro area). Additionally – based on data from Trulia’s July 2018 report “The State Of Housing 2019” – while housing affordability varies greatly across U.S., ZIP codes with median incomes below 80% percent ($60K+) tend to be more affordable than those with median incomes above 80% percent ($100K+). So while housing costs may be higher than they would be if you lived somewhere else within Texas or nationwide with similar income levels*, it may still be possible for someone who lives paycheck-to-paycheck* to afford a house within this Decatur metro area*.

In addition to being relatively affordable compared to other areas throughout Texas or nationwide*, homeownership rates*within this Decatur metro area*are also high*. According to Zillow’s 2018 National Housing Survey report*, 68%of households living within this Decatur metro area*owned their homes as of 2018*. This percentage is higher than both national averages (64%)and those found throughout most other parts of Texas.* So while housing costs may be higher than they would be if you lived somewhere else within Texas or nationwide with similar income levels*, it may still be possible for someone who lives paycheck-to-paycheck*to afford a house within this Decatur metro area*.

While there are many factors that contributeto highhome values andhome equityinthe DecaturnTX76234zipcodeover recentyears(lowsupplyofhomesavailableforsale;increaseddemandforhomesduetotheinfluxofnewresidentsintoaregionandanincreaseindegreejobopportunities;higherinterestratesovertime),therearestillareaswherehousingisaffordablerelativetothedesiredincomelevelsaccordingtothelatexpertsuchasinTrulia'sJuly2018report"TheStateOfHousing2019".Forinstance,"accordingtocdatafromTrulia'sJuly2018report"whilehousingaffordabilityvariesgreatlyacrosstheUSZIPcodeswithmedianincomesbelow80percentpercent($60K+)tendtobemoreaffordablethanthosewithmedianincomesabove80percent($100K+)."Sowhilehousingcostscanberehigherthantheywouldbeifyoulivedsomewhereelseinthesameincomelevelscancalibrateforthemoneyyouneedforthesethingsthattheywant.(i."e.,ahouse)."

Price Index: Fort Worth-Arlington-Grapevine, TX (MSAD)

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