Zip Code:

82426, Greybull, WY

82426 is a Wyoming Zip code within the city of Greybull and the county of Big Horn. Its population is roughly 3,083.

The Real Estate Market in the 82426 Zip Code of Greybull, Wyoming.

The 82426 zip code of Greybull, Wyoming has a population of just over 2,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is just under $50,000, and the median home value is just over $130,000. This means that the home equity and home prices in this zip code are both quite high.

One reason for the high home values in this zip code is that Greybull is a relatively new town. It only became a city in 1985, and it has only been growing rapidly since then. As a result, there are not many homes that are older than 25 years old in this zip code. In addition, there is a lot of new construction going on in Greybull right now, which is also contributing to the high home values.

Another reason for the high home values in this zip code is the fact that Greybull has a very low unemployment rate. At just 2%, it is one of the lowest rates in Wyoming County. This means that there are plenty of people who are able to afford to buy homes here.

Overall, it seems clear that the home equity and home prices in the 82426 zip code of Greybull are both very high. This may be due to factors like the low unemployment rate or the recent growth of Greybull town itself.

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