Zip Code:

82501, Riverton, WY

82501 is a Wyoming Zip code within the city of Riverton and the county of Fremont County. Its population is roughly 19,493.

The Real Estate Market in the 82501 Zip Code of Riverton, Wyoming.

The 82501 zip code of Riverton, Wyoming is located in the Powder River Basin and has a population of just over 9,000. The median home value in this zip code is $131,500 and the median household income is just over $60,000.

Home equity in the 82501 zip code of Riverton has been growing at a rate of around 6% per year for the past few years. This growth has been driven by strong job growth in the area as well as low interest rates. As a result, many people are able to borrow against their home equity to finance other expenses or to buy additional property.

Despite this strong growth, there are still some areas of the 82501 zip code where home values are lower than average. This may be due to weaker economic conditions in these areas or because there are fewer homes available for sale. In any case, it's important to keep an eye on home prices in the 82501 zip code so that you can stay ahead of any potential changes.

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