Zip Code:

82644, Mills, WY

82644 is a Wyoming Zip code within the city of Mills and the county of Natrona County. Its population is roughly 1,589.

The Real Estate Market in the 82644 Zip Code of Mills, Wyoming.

Mills, Wyoming is located in the 82644 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $128,000. The median home equity in this zip code is $87,000. Home prices have increased by 10% over the past year.

The average credit score for residents of Mills, Wyoming is 703. This indicates that most residents of Mills have a good credit history and are able to borrow money easily.

The percentage of residents living below the poverty line in Mills is 3%. This is lower than the national average of 14%.

Most people who live in Mills own their homes outright or have a mortgage that they are able to pay off quickly. There are also a lot of people who have taken out second mortgages or home equity loans to buy their homes.

Overall, it seems that there is a lot of stability and prosperity in the 82644 zip code area housing market right now.

Price Index: Casper, WY

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