Zip Code:

82646, Natrona, WY

82646 is a Wyoming Zip code within the city of Natrona and the county of Natrona County. Its population is roughly 0.

The Real Estate Market in the Natrona, WY 82646 Zip Code

The Natrona, Wyoming home equity and home prices are reflective of the overall market in the area. The median home value in Natrona is $119,000, which is lower than the statewide median of $157,500. The percentage of homes sold for over $200,000 is also lower than the statewide average of 27%. However, there are a few exceptions to this trend. For example, one neighborhood in Natrona has a median home value of over $300,000.

There are several factors that contribute to the low median home values in Natrona. One reason is that there are fewer expensive homes available for sale than in other areas of Wyoming. Another reason is that many homes in Natrona were built before 1980 and have not been updated since then. This means that they may not be well-maintained or have outdated features such as outdated plumbing or heating systems.

Despite the lower median home values, there are still a number of homes available for purchase in Natrona. In fact, according to Zillow’s recent report on housing markets across America, Natrona ranks as one of the most affordable places to live in Wyoming. This is likely due to several factors including low unemployment rates and a strong economy overall.

Overall, while the market conditions for buying and selling homes in Natrona may be less favorable than elsewhere in Wyoming, there are still plenty of opportunities available for people who want to buy or sell a property here."

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