Zip Code:

82941, Pinedale, WY

82941 is a Wyoming Zip code within the city of Pinedale and the county of Sublette. Its population is roughly 5,262.

The Real Estate Market in the 82941 Zip Code of Pinedale, Wyoming.

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 82941 Zip Code of Pinedale, Wyoming

The 82941 zip code of Pinedale, Wyoming has a median home value of $153,000. This is higher than the Wyoming median home value of $146,000. The 82941 zip code also has a higher percentage of homes with a mortgage than the Wyoming median home value percentage of 62%. This indicates that more homes in this zip code are financed through a mortgage than other types of financing.

The average length of time it takes for a home to sell in the 82941 zip code is 97 days. This is shorter than the Wyoming average length of time it takes for a home to sell which is 106 days. The percentage of homes that are sold within 30 days is lower in this zip code than the Wyoming average percentage which is 73%.

There are many factors that contribute to how long it takes for a home to sell in an area such as location, price, and condition. It can be difficult to determine which factor may be affecting sale times in specific areas. However, by looking at these statistics it may be easier to understand why some homes are selling faster than others in this particular zip code.

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