Zip Code:

84050, Morgan, UT

84050 is a Utah Zip code within the city of Morgan and the county of Morgan County. Its population is roughly 11,420.

The Real Estate Market in Morgan, UT

Morgan, UT is located in the 84050 zip code. According to the 2010 US Census, the 84050 zip code has a population of 5,811. The median household income in Morgan, UT is $63,724. The median home value in Morgan, UT is $187,500.

According to Zillow’s Home Value Index for August 2016 (the most recent data available), the median home value in Morgan was $187,500. This represents a 0.5% increase from July 2016 and a 7% increase from August 2015. Over the past year (August 2016-August 2017), the average monthly change in home values was -0.4%. This indicates that homes are selling at a slightly slower rate than they were a year ago but still remain relatively stable compared to other markets across America.

The average price per square foot for homes in Morgan was $128 which is lower than the national average of $142 per square foot but higher than the Utah average of $107 per square foot. In terms of location within Morgan, neighborhoods with higher prices tend to be located on either side of I-15 while neighborhoods with lower prices are more spread out throughout town.

Price Index: Ogden-Clearfield, UT

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