Zip Code:

84074, Tooele, UT

84074 is a Utah Zip code within the city of Tooele and the county of Tooele County. Its population is roughly 52,153.

The Real Estate Market in the 84074 Zip Code of Tooele, UT

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 84074 Zip Code of Tooele, UT

The 84074 zip code of Tooele, UT has a median home value of $135,000. The majority of homes in this zip code are owner-occupied with an average mortgage debt of $128,000. The average monthly payment on a 30-year mortgage in this zip code is $1,521.

The current market conditions for the 84074 zip code are positive with an increase in home prices over the past year. This positive trend is likely to continue as there are few new homes being built in this area and the population is aging which will lead to an increase in demand for housing.

There are several factors that contribute to home equity and home prices including location, size, condition and amenities. In general, properties located within desirable neighborhoods or close to major transportation hubs tend to have higher values than those located outside these areas. Additionally, larger homes or those with more features (such as updated kitchens or bathrooms) tend to be more expensive than smaller ones. Properties that are well-maintained and have low maintenance costs also tend to be more valuable than those that need significant repairs or updates.

While it is important for homeowners to maintain their properties so they remain in good condition and meet current market standards, sometimes it may be necessary to make some upgrades or modifications in order to bring a property up to par with current trends. For example, if a homeowner wants their property's exterior paint job upgraded from basic white to something more contemporary but does not want spend the money on a new roof due to its age or lack of insulation then they may choose instead to pay for painting services that will improve their property's appearance without requiring any additional work on their part such as caulking around windows and doors

Price Index: Salt Lake City, UT

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