Zip Code:

91331, Pacoima, CA

91331 is a California Zip code within the city of Pacoima and the county of Los Angeles County. Its population is roughly 105,458.

The Real Estate Market in the Pacoima, CA 91331 Zip Code

The Pacoima zip code, 91331, has a population of around 114,000 people. It is located in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles County. The median household income in the zip code is $85,000. The median home value is $325,000.

There has been a significant increase in home equity and home prices in the Pacoima zip code over the past few years. In January of 2016, the median home value was $314,500. As of September 2017, that number had increased to $348,100. This represents an increase of almost 20%.

One reason for this increase may be that there are relatively few homes for sale in the Pacoima zip code compared to other areas of Los Angeles County. Additionally, many homes in Pacoima are owned by individuals who are able to afford to pay high prices for them. This makes it difficult for people who want to buy a home in this area to do so.

Price Index: Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, CA (MSAD)

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