Zip Code:

92612, Irvine, CA

92612 is a California Zip code within the city of Irvine and the county of Orange County. Its population is roughly 33,234.

The Real Estate Market in the 92612 Zip Code of Irvine, CA

Irvine, California is a city located in Orange County. As of the 2010 census, the population was 248,711. The 92612 zip code covers much of Irvine and has a population of over 151,000 people. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years and are now some of the highest in Orange County.

The average home price in 92612 as of September 2017 was $1,098,500. This is up from $739,500 as of September 2016 and $527,000 as of September 2015. The median home price in 92612 is also up significantly from $814,000 as of September 2016 to $1 million as of September 2017. This indicates that there are a significant number of homes for sale in this zip code and that buyers are able to purchase homes at high prices.

One reason for the increase in home prices in 92612 may be due to the fact that many new development projects have been completed or are currently under construction within this zip code. These developments include shopping centers such as Irvine Spectrum Center and University Towne Centre as well as high-rise apartments such as The Irvine Company’s Newport Beach Tower and AvalonBay Communities’ Avalon Hills development. These developments provide more housing options for residents and likely contribute to higher home prices within this zip code. Additionally, demand for housing may be increasing due to growing populations within Irvine and Orange County overall.

Price Index: Anaheim-Santa Ana-Irvine, CA (MSAD)

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