Zip Code:

93667, Tollhouse, CA

93667 is a California Zip code within the city of Tollhouse and the county of Fresno County. Its population is roughly 2,405.

The Real Estate Market in the 93667 Zip Code of Tollhouse, CA

The Tollhouse zip code is located in the San Bernardino County, California. According to the 2010 census, the population of this zip code was 9,527. The median household income in this zip code was $68,821. Home equity and home prices are important factors when considering a move or purchasing a home.

According to Zillow, as of September 2015 the median home value in the Tollhouse zip code was $269,000. This is an increase from $257,500 as of September 2014. The average monthly mortgage payment for homes in this zip code was $1,711 as of September 2015. This is an increase from $1,636 as of September 2014.

The average home equity loan amount for homes in this zip code was $157,000 as of September 2015. This is an increase from $149,000 as of September 2014. The percentage of homeowners with a mortgage in this zip code was 73% as of September 2015 compared to 67% as of September 2014.

According to Trulia data for January 2016 through December 2016 there were 1 active sales listings and 0 pending sales listings within the Tollhouse zip code area which indicates that there are currently no homes available for sale within this area at this time

Price Index: Fresno, CA

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