Zip Code:

94579, San Leandro, CA

94579 is a California Zip code within the city of San Leandro and the county of Alameda County. Its population is roughly 21,883.

The Real Estate Market in the 94579 Zip Code of San Leandro, CA

The San Leandro home equity and home prices are very high when compared to other zip codes in the Bay Area. The median home value in the 94579 zip code is $527,000, which is more than double the median home value of $203,500 for all of Alameda County. Additionally, the average home equity in the 94579 zip code is $187,000, which is also much higher than the statewide average of $101,200.

One possible explanation for these high home values and equity levels in San Leandro may be due to its proximity to major cities such as Oakland and Berkeley. Many people who live in this zip code commute to work each day and may be able to afford higher-priced homes because they can sell their homes quickly if they decide to move. Additionally, many people who live in San Leandro own their homes outright rather than renting them so they have more control over their investment.

Despite these high values, there are still a number of opportunities available for buyers who are interested in purchasing a home in this zip code. First off, there are a number of neighborhoods that offer a variety of housing options including single-family homes as well as townhomes and condos. Secondly, many people who live in San Leandro are young professionals or families with children so there are plenty of options for buyers looking for a single-familyhome or larger family compound. Finally, although prices have been on the rise recently due to increased demand from investors and speculators, there remains potential for price appreciation if buyers wait long enough for properties that meet their needs to become available.

Price Index: Oakland-Berkeley-Livermore, CA (MSAD)

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