Zip Code:

94595, Walnut Creek, CA

94595 is a California Zip code within the city of Walnut Creek and the county of Contra Costa County. Its population is roughly 18,117.

Real Estate in the 94595 Zip Code of Walnut Creek, CA

The Walnut Creek zip code 94595 has a population of around 112,000 people and is located in the San Francisco Bay Area. The median home value in this zip code is $1,078,500 which is significantly higher than the national median home value of $161,600. Home equity in this zip code has also increased significantly over the past few years, with the average home equity balance increasing from $236,200 in 2012 to $269,100 in 2016. This increase can likely be attributed to strong economic conditions and rising home prices across the country.

Despite these high levels of home equity, there are still some areas of concern for homeowners in this zip code. One issue that has arisen is an increase in foreclosure activity since 2013. In 2016 alone there were 10 foreclosure filings within the Walnut Creek zip code which accounted for 11% of all filings within this area during that year. This trend may be indicative of a larger problem within the housing market where too many homeowners are struggling to maintain their homes despite having ample equity. Another issue that could impact homeownership rates within this area is rising interest rates which could make it more difficult for people to afford a mortgage or pay off their existing debt obligations. While these issues are certainly concerning they do not appear to have had a significant impact on home prices or home equity balances at this point.

Price Index: Oakland-Berkeley-Livermore, CA (MSAD)

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