Zip Code:

95035, Milpitas, CA

95035 is a California Zip code within the city of Milpitas and the county of Santa Clara County. Its population is roughly 79,655.

The Role of Real Estate in the Milpitas Economy

The 95035 zip code of Milpitas, CA has a population of over 158,000 people and a median home value of $1,068,500. The average home equity in the 95035 zip code is $171,000. The 95035 zip code has seen an increase in home values over the past five years with an average growth rate of 5.5%.

Home equity is important to many homeowners because it allows them to use their homes as collateral for loans or to invest in other assets. Homeowners who have high levels of home equity are more likely to be able to weather economic downturns better than those who have less equity. Additionally, homeowners who have high levels of home equity are more likely to be able to afford larger down payments when they purchase a new home.

There are several factors that contribute to the increase in home values in the 95035 zip code. One reason is that there is a large number of affluent residents living in this area. Another reason is that the area has been experiencing strong economic growth over the past few years. Finally, there has been an increase in demand for housing due to increasing rates of unemployment and inflationary pressures throughout the country.

Price Index: San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA

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