Zip Code:

95039, Moss Landing, CA

95039 is a California Zip code within the city of Moss Landing and the county of Monterey County. Its population is roughly 1,074.

Moss Landing's Real Estate Market

Moss Landing is located in the 95039 zip code in Monterey County, California. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the population of Moss Landing was 9,827. The median home value in the 95039 zip code is $1,521,000 and the median household income is $92,813.

The average home price in Moss Landing has increased by over 60% since 2007 when it was just $935,000. In fact, according to Zillow’s recent report on Bay Area housing markets, Moss Landing ranks as one of the hottest housing markets in California with an average home value of over $1 million! This high demand has driven up prices significantly and there are currently only a handful of homes available for sale within this zip code at below market rates.

While homeownership rates have remained relatively stable over the past few years (currently at around 67%), there has been a significant increase in rental properties available within this zip code due to increasing demand for rental properties within hot housing markets like Moss Landing. According to Trulia’s report on rental properties available in Monterey County, there are currently over 1,700 rental units available within this zip code which is more than double what was available just five years ago! This indicates that while homeownership rates may not be changing rapidly yet (due to high demand), there is definitely potential for growth in this area if current trends continue.

Price Index: Salinas, CA

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