Zip Code:

95543, Gasquet, CA

95543 is a California Zip code within the city of Gasquet and the county of Del Norte County. Its population is roughly 705.

The Real Estate Market in the 95543 Zip Code of Gasquet, CA

The 95543 zip code of Gasquet, CA has a median home value of $273,000 and a median home equity value of $128,000. The average home price in the 95543 zip code has increased by 10.2% over the past year and is projected to increase by an additional 5.9% in the next year. This growth is attributed to strong demand for housing in the area as well as low interest rates.

Gasquet is located in Contra Costa County and has a population of approximately 4,000 residents. The majority of residents are homeowners with an average mortgage debt of $224,000. Homeownership rates are high in Gasquet compared to other areas of California with a rate of 82%. This high rate may be due to the fact that Gasquet is a relatively affluent area with a median household income above the state average. Additionally, there are few rental properties available which may contribute to the high homeownership rate.

There are several factors that contribute to home prices increasing in Gasquet:

-Strong demand for housing due to population growth and increasing incomes

-Low interest rates which make mortgages more affordable

-High homeownership rate which contributes to stability in the market

-Good schools and infrastructure

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