Zip Code:

95585, Leggett, CA

95585 is a California Zip code within the city of Leggett and the county of Mendocino County. Its population is roughly 457.

The Real Estate Market in Leggett, CA

The Leggett, CA 95585 zip code has a population of around 17,000 people and is located in the Central Valley region of California. Home prices in this zip code have been increasing steadily over the past few years, reaching a peak of $269,000 in 2016. However, home equity values in this area have since decreased by around 10% to $245,000 as of early 2018.

One reason for the recent decrease in home equity values may be due to stricter lending criteria imposed by banks and lenders since the beginning of 2018. This has resulted in a decrease in available financing options for home buyers and sellers alike. Additionally, there has been an increase in interest rates over the past year or so which has also contributed to the decline in home equity values.

Despite these challenges, there are still many homeowners who are benefiting from rising home prices and strong home equity values. Many people who live in this zip code are able to use theirhome equity to pay off debt or investin other assets such as stocks or real estate. In addition, many homeowners are using theirhome equity to purchase additional property withinthe same area which can also help boost local economies.

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