Zip Code:

95614, Cool, CA

95614 is a California Zip code within the city of Cool and the county of El Dorado County. Its population is roughly 4,359.

The Real Estate Market in the 95614 Zip Code of Cool, CA

When people think of home equity, they may think of their own home. However, in the 95614 zip code of Cool, CA, there is a lot more at stake than just one's own home. Home equity is the value of a homeowner's mortgage and other assets that are tied to their home, such as appliances and furniture.

According to Zillow, the median home value in the 95614 zip code is $269,200. This means that half of all homes in this zip code have a value greater than $269,200. This high median home value reflects both the overall strength of the Cool market and the fact that many homes in this area are older and have been well-maintained.

However, despite this overall strength, there are some areas within the 95614 zip code where prices are lower than average. For example, while most homes in this area have values greater than $269,200, there are several neighborhoods within Cool where prices fall below that threshold. In addition to being cheaper on average compared to other parts of Cool County , these neighborhoods also tend to be smaller and have fewer amenities .

Despite these lower prices however , it should be noted that even in these cheaper areas , homeownership remains relatively affordable . According to Zillow's data , homeownership rates in Cool County hover around 67%, which is much higher than rates found elsewhere throughout California . This high rate of homeownership helps keep housing costs low for residents within the 95614 zip code .

Overall then , while there may be some areas within Cool County where prices are lower than average relative to other parts of California , on average homeownership remains relatively affordable and provides stability for those who live here .

Price Index: Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA

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